
Be thankful in the morning! (English)

Today's theme is "be thankful in the morning!."

I decided to write about this since I can never be a morning person..

Here is what I'm like in the morning...

Every morning, my alarm clock wakes my brain up, and then I try to open my firmly closed eyes.

But I can't get up right away.

So I start praying (crying out) to God to give me strength to get up.

Yet I can't get up for a while.

Then my little brain starts waking up and remembering that I need to go to work.

Then I jump out of bed.

Reluctantly I slowly head for the bathroom and take a shower.

Usually, after taking a shower, my eyes become wide awake, and I feel ok.

Well....writing about my morning makes me realize that my morning doesn't sound like a happy start of a new day..

I really want to become a person who can appreciate God from when I wake up!!!

I want to become a person who can appreciate a day God created!!!

I know very well that morning is really significant in a day

because when I get up really smooth and nice,

I feel so great all day long.

Especially while I'm at work, I feel like as if I am a superman that day.

I can get things done effectively.

I don't need coffee to wake myself up. Yet I feel energetic.

On the other hand, when I couldn't have a good start,

both my mind and my body are so dull, and they never seem to have energy to do anything all day long.

I get tired only by standing up from the chair or by answering a phone call.

One thing I do in the morning to put myself in a very good mood and think right is to listen to worship music and teaching tapes.

It helps me A LOT!!

Well, as you know, I can handle my time after shower well (I guess),

but I still need some good advise and ideas to get up very nice!!

Besides praying,

if you have any good ideas or know a wonderful aroma oil that makes people wake up instantly,

please let me know!!!

Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

1 件のコメント:

匿名 さんのコメント...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!