
little? big? blessings (English)

Last weekend, I talked to my mom on the phone.

She wanted to talk to me because she and my sister, who right now lives with my parents, have some problems.

The content of our conversation was not a happy one obviously, yet our conversation was so blessed and I was very thankful for God to give us a wonderful time.

What made me happy the most was that I could get to talk about "little but big blessings God gives us on a daily basis," and that it seemed my mom understood what I meant.

My mom had been a kind of person who never wanted to hear about my faith or God. So that my mom actually understood what I meant and shared a little happy incident happened to her life with me was such a joy to me.

I told my mom that my current job was definately a blessing from God. It is because so many unusual things happened to me that time, and these little unusual things actually connected me to my current president. And as a result, he offered me a full time job out of nowhere.

You may think that these unusual things were just accidents.

To those who think like this, I want to ask

"how many small accidents you think needed to happen almost all at once?" (Maybe I should explain what happened to me that time in details though..)

Anyway, since my mom knew everything about it, she agreed with me and said.."yeah, if it was just a series of accidents, that's incredible for sure..."

Then she shared a story with me and said "maybe this is what you call a blessing from God."

Her story is as follows.

She likes watching movies. So she sometimes goes to the nearest rental shop near our house.

Since she didn't have a DVD player, she had to rent videos.

But as you can imagine, video is a bit out of date now, and the number of videos at the rental shop is very small.

So she often had to give up movies she wanted to watch.

The other day, she found a DVD player for 5000yen at a shopping mall.

She thought it was very cheap, so she decided to but it.

However, it was all sold out and she couldn't get one.

She was very sad about it.

Next day, one of the bulbs got burned out, so she went to an electoric store.

She happened to find a 3900 yen DVD player there!

she found out later that the bulb was not burned out, but something different(I don't know what) was broken.

It was a 1100 yen-luck, and you may think it is not much, but please think like this..

If she didn't think the bulb was burned out, she never went to the electric store that day.

If it was another day, probably the DVD player was not on sale.

If the 5000 yen DVD players were not sold out in the first place, my mom bought a DVD player at a shopping mall.

I believe that these little LUCKs are all blessings from God.

If you think that you are not blessed or God never gives you blessings,

please rememer these small "lucky!!" moments.

They are not mere "chance."

They are "necessity."

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