
A Great Story

During Wednesday Service this week, God told me one important thing through Pastor Rod.

The one that I didn't want to hear. The one that I tried not to acknowledge though I had already noticed. The one that I knew I had to confront sooner or later.

It was to die to my flesh completely. It was to totally throw away my craving for moving to somewhere not so busy like Tokyo and to joyfully serve God wherever He wants me to be.

I thought that I already knew this teaching. I even thought that I am actually putting it in practice; I thought that I was enjoying the current situation patiently as best as I could in the company God clearly led me to about 2 years ago, until God will show me the next step. But it was not the case. I was wrong. My heart was full of my selfish hopes.

I have experienced similar things many times before, but the one God pointed out this time was a very big matter which I could'nt have thrown away for a long time. So it shocked me so much.

When God told me this, I got upset. My flesh was struggling very badly.

But nevertheless, my soul knew the right answer. My soul knew what I should do.

Thanks to help from the Holy Spirit, I could tell my Lord that I will follow His plan no matter what, even in the middle of the battle between my soul and my flesh.

And then, a great story in a book I've read before occured to my mind.

This story seems to be very famous. So I bet many Christians know it. But since it encouraged me very much and also made me assured that God's plan is even greater than the best plan we can think of ourselves, I would like to quote it here.

It is gonna be long. So please read it when you have time.


The Tale of Three Trees

There are an olive tree, an oak tree, and a pine tree.

Each of these trees had a great dream to become something special in life. The olive tree dreamed of becoming a finely crafted treasure chest. It wanted to hold gold, silver, and precious jewels. One day, a woodsman chose the one live tree, out of all trees in the forest, and cut it down. The olive tree was so thrilled. But as the craftsman began working on hin, the tree realized they weren't making him into a beautiful treasure chest; they were making him into a manger to hold food for dirty, smelly, animals. Heartbroken, his dreams were shattered. He felt worthless and demeaned.

Similarly, the oak tree dreamed of becoming a part of a huge ship that would carry important kings across the ocean. When the woodsman cut down the oak, he was so excited. But as time went on, he realized the craftsmen weren't making him into a huge ship. There were making them into a tiny fishing boat. He was so discouraged, so disappointed.

The pine tree lived on top of a high mountain. Its only dream was to always stand tall and remaind people of God's great creation. But in a split second, a bolt of lightning sent it tumbling to the ground, destroying its dreams. The woodsman came and picked it up and carried it off to the scrap pile.

All three of these trees felt they had lost their value and their worth; they were so discouraged, so disappointed. Not one of their dreams had come to pass. But God had other plans for these trees. Many years later, Mary and Joseph couldn't find any place to give birth to their little baby boy. They finally found a stable, and when Jesus was born they placed Him in a manger made from the olived tree. The olive tree had wanted to hold precious jewels, but God had better plans, and it now held the greatest treasure of all time the son of God.

A few years went by and Jesus grew up. One day He needed a boat to cross to the other side of the lake. He didn't choose a large, fancy ship; He chose a small, simple fishing boat made from the oak tree. The oak tree wanted to carry important kings across the ocean, but God had better plans. The oak tree carried the King of kings.

A few more years went by, and one day some Roman soldiers were rummaging around in the pile of scrap wood where the discarded pine tree lay. That pine tree just knew they were coming to cut him up for firewood. But much to its surprise, they cut only two small pieces out of it, and formed them into a cross. And it was on this pine tree that Jesus was crucified. That tree is still pointing to God's love and God's compassion to this day.









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