
Revelation! (in English)

At first, I want to tell you about New Generation Live House last Saturday and church last Sunday.

New Generation Live House was so awesome!

It was such a great live performed by energetic, talented young people!

I really hope that their talents will be full-bloomed in the future.

I also want those who are in the bands and who don't know Jesus yet to get to know Him, and then they will come to be used to tell others God's love.

Anyway, it was such a fantastic event!

For the details of Saturday's live, please read Izumi's blog and Mike's blog.
Izumi's →http://izumisydney.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2007/02/_n_b02b.html
(Sorry for introducing your blog here without permission!)

Church was great, too!

The message was awesome as usual!

What impacted on me the most was the message from 1:30pm service.

God gives each one of us dreams and visions.

But we are responsible for seeking these dreams and visions.

To read the summary of this message, please go to mimo's blog. She did such a great job summarizing it. →http://mimomamo.cocolog-nifty.com/

This morning, when I was reading Isumi's blog and Rie's blog, God told me one thing.

What I want to do in the future or what I have a passion for is from God!

God gives us what we like and use it for our own calling.

Sometimes we are surprised to know what God is calling us for, but usually even these surprises will match our personalities and become what we are willing to do in the end.

As for me, I am still in time of preparation.

I will continue to be in it for a while.

But I want to come closer to my dream and vision step by step with lots of prayers and actions!

I really want to be a person who can give counseling to young people in church!

I want to tell as many people as possible God's love and I also want to love and care as many people as I can!

So I will pray a lot, and knock doors that are standing in front of me!

I also need to study counseling!!

God, thank you very much for teaching me an important lesson through wonderful sisters' blogs!

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